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    Engineer.Ai (NAYA) ICO Review - Ai-Powered Ecosystem Lets Anyone Create Software

    Engineer.aI trading platform is a complex method that allows to simplify work on exchange, and minimize losses in case of unsuccessful trades. Engineer.aI creates the necessary conditions for transparency, convenience and simplicity with minimal risks for traders. Fast and affordable crypto-currency deposit/withdrawals increases the likelihood of its introduction into everyday life by reducing the barriers to entering cryptology. With the Engineer.aI trading platform risks associated with trading are decreasing, allowing tradersto save finances in case of errors. In this document you will be acquainted with the features of the Engineer.aI trading platform

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    The Engineer Platform
    Human Assisted AI that runs the online assembly line platform for building bespoke software. Builder runs on a distributed trust network that manages identification, delivery assurity, IPR, security, dispute resolution and stakeholder payments.
    A warranty service that allows customers to get updates to their bespoke software as 3rd party libraries decay over time and support to ensure their projects keep running.
    Manage the running of your app using our platform that uses AI to manage Cloud spend, keep your software running & bring together all the services you need in one place.
    The Engineer.ai Token Sale

    Engineer.ai’s development team is already established and experienced with a proven track record of delivery.


    Engineer.ai’s development team is established and experienced with an existing network of 26,000 engineers, 3,200 clients, $23 million in platform revenue, and 150 percent year on year growth. Pivoting to a blockchain and AI-driven model will industrialize our process and allow us scale globally and achieve our key goals.
    Make software development available to anyone
    AI removes the need for customer consultations, breaking down concepts into granular projects matched to existing components and the most suitable experts.
    Ensure costs, timelines, and quality
    Quality assurance and deliverables are managed by smart contract eliminating price and payment risks and production delays.
    Streamline the production process
    Our library of building blocks prevents duplicate work re-coding of existing features, making development faster and leaner.
    Prevent decay and maintain functionality
    Hosting, management, and updates are automated allowing faster concept to creation timelines and continued functionality.
    The NAYA Token
    NAYA is a ERC-20 token used on the distributed payment network for clients and contributors. 
    Why This Token
    Customers purchase work from a marketplace of contributors, while still being guaranteed successful delivery of their project.
    Quality Assured
    NAYA is staked along the project to verify the accuracy of work by a set of QAs sourced from the contributor network.
    Escrowed Payments
    Each project has an associated smart contract which acts as an escrow. Funds are released as milestones are reached.




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    Bitcoin User Name:Mary Laura
    ETH :0x35fedB6E70817f046D7AaB2c2bd6ac6129B80f4B

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